Description of exercise:
Write a program which will create a process tree such as :
        /  |  \
       2   3   4
          / \ 
         5   6
    The numbers shown here have no relatation to the order of creation.
where the 1st process is your ./a.out program. The 1st process will show messages like:
I'm 4904. My three children are 4905 4906 4909
The 3th process will show messages like:
I'm 4906. My two children are 4907 4908
Other process will show messages like:
I'm 4905, my parent is 4904
All the messages are printed in POST-order. Your output should be like
$ ./a.out 
I'm 4905, my parent is 4904
I'm 4907, my parent is 4906
I'm 4908, my parent is 4906
I'm 4906. My two children are 4907 4908
I'm 4909, my parent is 4904
I'm 4904. My three children are 4905 4906 4909